Not Here on Sunday? Here's What you missed:
Trust the Creator
Genesis 2:3-31
- Some people put science over the Bible
- Day 1 - light (v. 3-5)
God’s act of giving a name meant the exercise of sovereign right.
- Day 2 - dividing of water (v. 6-8)
- Day 3 - land, sea, and plant life (v. 9-13)
God created “plants yielding seed”
He created trees with rings and Adam as an adult.
Day 4 - sun, moon, and stars (v. 14-19)
1. Distinguish day from night
2. Provide signs
3. Distinguish the seasons
4. Illuminate the earth
Day 5- living creatures in water & sky
(v. 20-23)
Day 6- living creatures on land & humans (v. 24-31)
1. God took chaos and created order.
2. God spoke His creation into existence.
3. Creation happened in a brief period of time.
4. God is sovereign over all creation.
5. Every creation God made has a purpose.
Trust the Creator part2
Day 6- living creatures on land / humans Genesis 1:24-31
What does being made in the image of God involve?
1. Image bearer, is the object of God's blessing
2. Humans may reproduce life- For believers, child birth is an act of worship, a sharing in the work of God, the one who created life.
3. Humans are to have dominion over the world, man was placed in sovereignty over the earth (vv28-30) crowned with glory and honor Psalm 8, yet subject to God his Creator.
4. God’s image is that mankind has the capacity to make free choices.
5. We are to subdue the earth
The Edenic Covenant – the 5 responsibilities of Adam
- To propagate the human race 1:28
- To subdue the earth for man (28)
- To have dominion over the animal creation (28)
- To care for the garden and eat its fruits and herbs (29)
- To abstain from eating of one tree, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, on penalty of death for disobedience Genesis 2:16,17
Why are we here?
To glorify God and live with Him forever!
The goal of God is to restore sinning man to His likeness, fellowship, and dominion
Take home
- God made community- we desire meaningful relationships, God made us that way
- Sin broke community- sin separates, challenges the relationship of trust
- Jesus fixed it- We are a broken people, we are a redeemed people
Genesis 2:1-3
3 reasons to remember the Sabbath –
heavens and earth was completed,
rested – satisfied Isaiah 40:28,
blessed the 7th day- a memorial to remember the glory of God’s perfection
The Mosaic Law
Decalogue 10 Commandments, 4th Sabbath to keep it holy
"The seventh day of the week, the Jewish Sabbath, symbolized the old creation and the covenant of law; first you work, then you rest.
Rainbow was a sign of the Noahic covenant,
Circumcision was a sign of the Abrahamic covenant, the
Sabbath was a sign of the Mosaic Covenant- God as a law giver
Sabbath- a reminder of creation, that they forfeited paradise of God because of sin, regain a taste of righteousness
Why do we have our worship service on Sunday?
When Jesus died on the Sabbath the Sabbath died
When Jesus arose on Resurrection Sunday a new covenant happened
the first Sunday worship service happened in Matthew 28:9
the first sermon happened on Sunday Luke 24:17
The first expository sermon happened on Sunday
Pentecost was on a Sunday Leviticus 23:15,16
Take home:
The 7th day of creation is a reminder of the completion of God’s creation
The Mosaic Law- the Sabbath was sign as God as a law giver
The Lord’s Day – A day to remember of what God did for us to redeem us from the slave market of sin, to give us a taste of paradise lost, and to give us hope, and a day to especially worship Jesus Christ