Sermon Notes

Not Here on Sunday? Here's What you missed:


Trust the Creator
Genesis 2:3-31
- Some people put science over the Bible
- Day 1 - light (v. 3-5)
God’s act of giving a name meant the exercise of sovereign right.
- Day 2 - dividing of water (v. 6-8)
- Day 3 - land, sea, and plant life (v. 9-13)
God created “plants yielding seed”
He created trees with rings and Adam as an adult.
Day 4 - sun, moon, and stars (v. 14-19)
1. Distinguish day from night
2. Provide signs
3. Distinguish the seasons
4. Illuminate the earth
Day 5- living creatures in water & sky
(v. 20-23)
Day 6- living creatures on land & humans (v. 24-31)
1. God took chaos and created order.
2. God spoke His creation into existence.
3. Creation happened in a brief period of time.
4. God is sovereign over all creation.
5. Every creation God made has a purpose.

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